This is another little ballerina in my series. These little ones are so fun to paint. They are just so into their dancing and waiting for their turns that they seem to remain focused.
I have always loved art and always felt the need to create. At 13, I received my first byline and was hooked creating stories as a young journalist. In high school I became news editor and went on to win a state award in journalism. I learned how to paint pictures with the use of words. My creativity flourished through my human interest stories and my photojournalism. But as a lupus patient, my door to journalism would have to close. God opened another door and showed me the light. The door led to a rainbow of colors and a world full of art. Art allows those of us who are ill to paint places we can only dream of seeing.
It allows us, if only for a moment, to be a part of a group of people. Somehow for that moment, we forget that we are sick. My stories now flow from my brushes. I dream of a world I will only experience when my brushes bring a simple piece of paper to life.